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Event Series Event Series: Twin Hearts Meditation

Twin Hearts Meditation

15 December 2027 @ 7:30 pm8:30 pm

Meditation is an ancient concept that modern science has validated as a tool to help build connections in the brain, lower the heart rate and reduce stress.

If you want to feel more uplifted, improve your work/life balance, improve your health and well-being or reduce stress and anxiety, Twin Hearts Meditation can have many benefits both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

In an increasingly busy and ever evolving, fast paced world, finding stillness and a space for quiet and a sense of inner peace is perhaps something you may seek, and where Meditation can help.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is a proven form that helps reduce stress, promotes inner peace and calmness and can help provide clarity.

“Why meditate? To remember who we are and where we came from”

Meditation on Twin Hearts for emotional, physical and mental well-being

Meditation on Twin Hearts can help you achieve a sense of calm, well-being, inner peace and balance as-well as improving overall health. By focusing on finding space and stillness, your breathing, and the intake of fresh air, negative tendencies can be gradually removed and cleansed.

Meditation works on re-structuring the brain

Meditation on Twin Hearts has been proven to help remodel the electrical currents in the brain which help improve mental, cognitive functioning and in turn our physical, emotional and mental health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promotes inner peace and calmness and increases happiness and positive thinking.

Meditation on Twin Hearts Techniques

Immobilising body, quieting the mind, putting your attention on things that are beyond. When you come back from the meditation, you are going to be different. You will be able to observe and offer advice. You can’t be in the mud with someone if you want to pull them out, how can you help. You have to be outside of the mud, not riding the waves of anger and emotional pain, if you want to help them out. Waves of emotions, if you are living in them, then you are up and down, like a boat with no anchor, then in our case, we are spiritual beings, occupying the body, creating feelings and thoughts. They may shake you.

The light in meditation, in solitude, pull yourself out of the mud and choose to be happy, then this is it. You are a being of light. That is that” Master Stephen Co, In the Anchor the Light daily updates, paraphrased.

We can share this technique with you to provide an immediate improvement, it takes around 30 minutes, why not sign up and join here for your free meditation class: Wednesdays at 7.30pm


15 December 2027
7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Event Category:


Natalie Rushton


Calma Spa & Skin Clinic
1100 High Street Armadale
Victoria, VIC 3143 Australia
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