How can Pranic Healing help your baby’s safe and easy arrival?

Babies are born every second, actually, according to google, 4.5 babies are born every second. How they arrive into the world depends on many factors. How safely they arrive, how quickly, naturally, with intervention, at home, in a hospital, the variables are endless. As my girlfriend who’s an obstetrician said, there are incredible highs and incredible lows when delivering babies.

Pranic Healing in a non-touch energy healing treatment that works by cleansing the energy body of dirty energies and then brings in fresh Prana, a Sanskrit word that means life-force, which draws from the air, the sun and the ground to help increase the rate of healing. It is a very systematic healing system that increases the bodies natural ability to heal. Pranic Healing is the fastest growing energy healing system in the world and is currently in over 120 countries. Pranic Healing can be provided over distance, the healer does not need to be physically in the same room or even country to provide a treatment.

I have used Pranic Healing to assist women bring babies safely and easily into this world. All of these treatments have been done using distant Pranic Healing. The results have been phenomenal and a joy to see, increasing the speed of the babies delivery and helping the women recover faster and the babies to improve their health and strength.

A few years ago, I had a client who had developed pregnancy induced Hypertension, after one treatment, she was sent home from hospital as her blood pressure normalised. When it came time for the birth, I provided Pranic Healing treatments to her and the baby arrived safely in four hours. The entire labour process was only four hours.

Recently I assisted another women through her birthing process. She had previously had a child, her first child and the labour without Pranic Healing was a painstaking process that lasted over 38 hours. It was traumatic and a difficult experience that took a long time to recover from. The second time round, with the aid of Pranic Healing support, she delivered her baby in one hour once she reached the hospital and her contractions and whole process lasted a total of 9 hours. Support was provided to the mother and the newborn baby also to help strengthen them both to aid in a speedier recovery.

Are you considering becoming pregnant? Do you have concerns about how the birthing process will be? Or are you pregnant and have a history of challenging births? I would be happy and grateful to support you through this process as a complementary therapy. Get in touch to find out more.

Author: Natalie Rushton, October 2024