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Discover, experience and transform your well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally through Pranic Healing with Natalie. Live your best life.
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Pranic Healing is an ancient non-touch, holistic therapy that balances, harmonises and heals the body’s energy.
This simple, yet powerful form of energy healing utilises natural life-forces to cleanse, energise and re-balance your energy body to help your body heal physically, mentally and emotionally. Pranic Healing works on the principle that if the mind and emotions are healed using Prana (life-force) the body will heal itself and stay healed.
Unique, energetic profiles surround not only people, but everything in the physical world. These energetic layers and any problems within them surround your body in an unseen field of energy. Pranic Healing removes these negative energies to help you feel calm, peaceful and happy and as the body’s energy is transformed it can bring balance and harmony to your life.
Pranic Healing transforms and changes lives and is the fastest growing energy healing therapy in the world.

Prana is ‘life energy’
Prana is Sanskrit for ‘life energy’ or ‘life force’. Prana is needed to keep the body alive and healthy. Pranic Healing balances, harmonises and transforms the energy body which then heals the physical body.
Heals the mind and emotions
A complementary approach to treat a variety of ailments Pranic Healing can alleviate the symptoms of most things from the common cold to cancer. By increasing the pranic life force in the body, self healing will be accelerated and recovery quicker.
Removes negative energies
Pranic Healing harnesses the life-force, cleansing old, negative energies out from the luminous body (the aura) and infuses the body with new energies. These new energies work with the body’s natural ability to heal and recover both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It can help you feel calm, peaceful and happy and as the body’s energy is transformed it can bring balance and harmony to your life.
Supports physical and mental health
Pranic Healing is a complementary therapy to support physical and mental health. It enriches lives by alleviating the symptoms of addiction, relationships, anxiety, stress, trauma, fears and general wellbeing.
Pranic Healing transforms and changes lives and is quickly becoming the fastest growing energy healing therapy in the world.
How can Pranic Healing help you?
Pranic Healing can alleviate the symptoms of a variety of physical conditions from a common cold to cancer and emotional or psychological ailments, from anxiety to addictions.
Highly trained Pranic healers cleanse old energies and transmit new energy back into the patients body with techniques and frequencies tailored to treat each physical, emotional or psychological condition. This helps speed up the recovery of the body.
- Heart conditions
- Arthritis
- Hyperthyroidism
- Burns
- Sore throat
- Toothache
- Cellular or organ regeneration
- And many others
Emotional / Psychological
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Trauma
- Grief
- Compulsive Disorders
- Addictions (alcohol, smoking, drugs)
- Relationship challenges
Physical: Beauty
- Body Sculpting
- Weight Loss
- Pranic Face Lift
More information about Pranic Healing
How Does Pranic Healing work?
Re-balances the energy field
When our energy field is imbalanced, our bodies are more likely to harbour illness both physically or mentally. Pranic Healing works on re-balancing the patients energy field by transferring fresh energy to the body’s system.
Draws out old energy and replaces it with new
The healer works with life-force, without touching the patient using their hands or a crystal, to draw old diseased energy from the body and replace it with new energy using bespoke techniques and frequencies tailored specifically for each individual physical or mental illness.
Cleanses congestion allowing fresh prana into the chakras
The body has over 300 Chakras and 72,000 Meridians which can become blocked or congested. Pranic Healing works on releasing this congestion enabling fresh prana to be drawn into the chakras and a re-balance of the energy system to take place.
Have faith and be receptive
If a patient has faith and can be receptive to the work performed by the healer then the body will naturally begin to heal itself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
What does Pranic Healing involve for you?
Pranic Healing treatments are non-touch and someone who is receiving a Pranic Healing treatment doesn’t need to do anything. All you need to do is to make an appointment and try it out. You can have an in-person appointment or a distant appointment. In addition, we provide suggestions to help you support your own lifestyle too.
We also provide weekly complementary meditations which you are welcome to attend, we encourage it. You can also bring a friend, neighbour, colleague, family member along as this is an open session for all 18 + years.The healer works with life-force, without touching the patient using their hands or a crystal, to draw old diseased energy from the body and replace it with new energy using bespoke techniques and frequencies tailored specifically for each individual physical or mental illness.
Why Choose Pranic Healing?
To heal the mind, body and soul
To heal physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
Pranic Healing does not replace conventional medicine, it’s an alternative, complementary healing therapy that can provide additional support to help recovery from both physical and mental ailments.
Healing of physical ailments such as coughs and colds and high temperatures can be accelerated and mental struggles alleviated such as low self esteem, anxiety and stress.
If you are struggling with relationship problems, failures at work and negative thoughts or maybe you are struggling with loss of memory and concentration, Pranic Healing can have profound results to help you achieve inner peace and happiness quickly.

Master Choa Kok Sui
Founder of Modern Pranic Healing
Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) developed Pranic Healing with a systematic approach to make this ancient methodology accessible to people globally. MCKS spent 20 years travelling the world and implemented Pranic Healing into more than 60 countries, publishing 25 books in over 30 languages. Today there are over 100 Pranic Healing centres in over 130 countries, it is the fastest growing energy healing school in the world. The MCKS Charitable Foundation contributes to humanitarian and social programs, including feeding programs and legal aid support.
Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern Pranic Healing was able to articulate Pranic Healing into simple and effective techniques, he taught Pranic Healing to healers through the path of love, the path of knowledge and the path of active service.
Learn Pranic Healing
Learn easy to follow protocols for treating simple ailments for yourself and loved ones. It is the first step in a journey you can take to change and improve your life and help heal yourself, loved ones, friends, family and clients.
Learn a variety of new techniques and principles that may help you in the following ways:
- Removing or reducing physical aches and pains
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Increasing happiness
- Increasing energy levels
- Increasing focus
- Improving sleep
Almost anyone can learn to be a pranic healer and in this course you learn:
- How to increase the rate of healing and recovery from ailments affecting the physical, mental and emotional body
- Learn to scan, sense, see and understand the energy body ( also known as the bioplasmic body), the anatomy, aura and the 11 major energy centres called chakras
- Increasing one’e own energy levels, including energising and calming yogic breathing techniques
- Increase healing powers by using the twin hearts meditation
- Sweeping, which is cleansing dirty energy out of both the aura and chakras
- Energising with prana by using the hand chakra technique
- Stabilising the energy, so it remains where the energy is needed
- Releasing the projected energy, so that the client and the healer are disconnected at the end of the healing session
- Ancient Law of Karma
- Healing safely with correct disposal of dirty energy, avoiding energy contamination and avoiding common pitfalls
All course material, CDs and books are available to purchase at the course. The book Miracles through Pranic Healing is required
Natalie’s Story
Natalie is a certified Pranic healer who has learnt Pranic Healing around the world with all the Masters. Natalie has dedicated her life to Pranic Healing and enjoys working with a wide range of clients locally and internationally.
Natalie started healing years ago and when she was able to see the miraculous results of hearing aids and dyslexia being removed from a loved one, she decided to dedicate her life to Pranic Healing to share the benefits with others. She has helped others transform their lives, removed physical, mental and emotional ailments through this energy and spiritual healing.

Natalie’s background
Natalie was born and raised in Australia and spent much of her life moving around Melbourne and North Queensland. She has always has an interest in energy healing. Her travelling continued through her adult life leading Natalie to live and work in Singapore and London. Melbourne, Australia has always been her home.
Natalie worked in a fast paced career, working in HR and Recruitment for large corporates including Amazon and she still supports corporate businesses in a part-time capacity.
Natalie attended the Victorian College of the Arts, a scholarship school for secondary children. She completed her Bachelor of Music majoring in voice in the early 2000. Whilst working full time, she sang with Melbourne City Opera for a few years, before taking a break and focusing on university studies at Swinburn for her Human Resources Certification.
Natalie has been working with Helena Dix for a few years, enjoying the art and process of continued learning to sing, click the following link to see her singing on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjGgddl900Y
Natalie discovered Pilates in 2012, seeking to rebuild her body after children in fast succession. She loved the process so much, that she took the certification for Pilates Teaching and qualified as a teacher with the wonderful school in the POWMAK, in Berkshire, England.
Meditation is an ancient concept that modern science has validated as a tool to help build connections in the brain, lower the heart rate and reduce stress.
If you want to feel more uplifted, improve your work/life balance, improve your health and well-being or reduce stress and anxiety, Twin Hearts Meditation can have many benefits both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
In an increasingly busy and ever evolving, fast paced world, finding stillness and a space for quiet and a sense of inner peace is perhaps something you may seek, and where Meditation can help.
Meditation on Twin Hearts is a proven form that helps reduce stress, promotes inner peace and calmness and can help provide clarity.
“Why meditate? To remember who we are and where we came from”
Read More
Meditation on Twin Hearts for emotional, physical and mental well-being
Meditation on Twin Hearts can help you achieve a sense of calm, well-being, inner peace and balance as-well as improving overall health. By focusing on finding space and stillness, your breathing, and the intake of fresh air, negative tendencies can be gradually removed and cleansed.
Meditation works on re-structuring the brain
Meditation on Twin Hearts has been proven to help remodel the electrical currents in the brain which help improve mental, cognitive functioning and in turn our physical, emotional and mental health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promotes inner peace and calmness and increases happiness and positive thinking.
Meditation on Twin Hearts Techniques
Immobilising body, quieting the mind, putting your attention on things that are beyond. When you come back from the meditation, you are going to be different. You will be able to observe and offer advice. You can’t be in the mud with someone if you want to pull them out, how can you help. You have to be outside of the mud, not riding the waves of anger and emotional pain, if you want to help them out. Waves of emotions, if you are living in them, then you are up and down, like a boat with no anchor, then in our case, we are spiritual beings, occupying the body, creating feelings and thoughts. They may shake you.
The light in meditation, in solitude, pull yourself out of the mud and choose to be happy, then this is it. You are a being of light. That is that” Master Stephen Co, In the Anchor the Light daily updates, paraphrased.
We can share this technique with you to provide an immediate improvement, it takes around 30 minutes, why not sign up and join here for your free meditation class:
Every Wednesday at 7.30pm
Calma Spa & Skin Clinic, 1100 High St, Armadale
Online Meditation:

Twin Hearts Proven Benefits:
What science tells us about Meditation on Twin Hearts
The Effects of Meditation on Twin Hearts on P300 Values
Treatments Available
Feng Shui
$450Bring Prosperity, Good Health, Happiness & Spirituality into your home or corporate office
Would you like to maximise your home or corporate office space and bring in good health, happiness, prosperity and spirituality?
Arrange a personal home or corporate office visit to have a consultant review, energy clean and maximise the space to bring in the best energy into your environment.
Enhance spiritual energies and avoid energies that cause bad luck.
Revitalise Pranic Therapy
$150A deeper, longer treatment for pranic therapy.
This treatment is to help alleviate symptoms connected to physical ailments like cancer and tumours, arthritis, heart ailments or mental or emotional aliments like depression, addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking), compulsive disorders, or autism.
You may have a specific need you want addressed, or you may simply like to experience a new way to look after your mind, body and soul, to be able to be at your best.
Relax and Rejuvenate Pranic Therapy
$150Enhance your zen state and reduce stress.
This Pranic therapy session has been designed to focus on enhancing your zen state and is a great way to reduce stress and calm your system down by cleansing and energising your chakras. Let the tensions and stress melt away as you find yourself rejuvenated and relaxed for your week ahead. Take some me time and look after yourself.
Detox Pranic Therapy
$150A healthy physical reset
Are you feeling a bit tired and run down? Do you have trouble with sleep? Is your digestive system not supporting you as you would like? Detox is widely known to be a healthy reset for you physically. Similarly energetic detox can be a highly beneficial Pranic Therapy treatment that focuses on cleansing your chakras and aura. The focus for this session can help remove many unwanted energies and can build you up to feel brighter and lighter. Enjoy some me time, refresh, reset and detox.
Relationship Healing
$150Enhance your love energies and create more happiness and harmony
This love enhancing Pranic Healing treatment is designed to support your relationship and to help enhance and radiate your love energies. Together enjoy the beautiful experience of bliss, happiness and harmony, through non-touch energy healing.
Open your hearts up and create the loving relationship that you desire.
Body Sculpting and Weight Loss
$175Enjoy your body again
Are you having trouble getting into your desired shape? If you want to feel sexier and to enjoy your body more, lose some weight and shape up, this treatment could be for you. We recommend a package of 12 treatments over a series of two to three treatments per week to maximise results. You can experience results within one treatment, depending upon your body and receptivity to the pranic healing process.
Refresh Pranic FaceLift and Facial
$150Rejuvenate your looks and improve your confidence
Refresh Pranic FaceLift and Facial is a no-touch treatment that helps to reduce fine-lines and wrinkles, reduce redlines and to help you rejuvenate your looks and improve your confidence, wellbeing and self-love, because it starts with self-love.
It is so different from a usual facial that you might be surprised just what it can do for you, you can enjoy feeling very glowing, skin more fuller and no pain or discomfort, just pleasure and improved beauty, inside and out.
Crystal Laying Therapy
$150Cleanse and energise your chakras
Enjoy a quiet, peaceful time as you lie down and relax whilst varying crystals are placed on your clothed body over your chakra points. Each crystal has its own, unique healing properties to help cleanse and energise your chakras, enabling energy to move more freely between the crystals and remove blockages from the physical, mental and emotional body.
Meditation On Twin Hearts
FREEIdeal for everyone over the age of 18 years
Twin Hearts is a meditation technique that has been proven to have an immediate helpful impact on new or experienced meditators alike. The meditation brings peace, love and prosperity to the practitioners life, removing and cleansing negative tendencies. Take some ‘me time’ and join the 30 minute meditation session on Wednesday evenings.
Free by donation to the Institute of Pranic Healing.
When: |
Every Wednesday at 7.30pm and First Friday of the month at 9am |
Where: |
Calma Spa & Skin Clinic |
2nd Friday of the month at 7pm
Where: Prahran Place, 40 Grattan Street
Contact: info@phwn.com.au for zoom registration detail
Zoom ID: 7142694448
Passcode: THM7799
Free Pranic Healing Clinic
FREEAre you curious about Pranic Healing Therapy and want to find out more?
Come along for a free ten minute Pranic Healing taster session where you will get to experience the practice of Pranic Healing Therapy and have a chance to ask any questions you may have. Great for pain, stress or anxiety.
When: |
Wednesday’s 8.00–8.30pm |
Where: |
Calma Spa & Skin Clinic |
Bespoke Pranic Healing Treatment
$150A unique treatment designed to your requirements and wishes.
During this Pranic Healing treatment, we will go through what you want to achieve from your healing and a treatment will be tailored to meet your needs. Pranic Healing energy treatments can relieve the symptoms of ailments, change, impact, improve and transform so many different areas of your health and life. Feel confident to bring your requests and the treatment will be provided.
Healing Packages
–For those who are more serious about their healings, I offer healings both in person and in the comfort of your own home remotely online for everyone’s convenience.
Please get in touch to find out more: info@phwn.com.au
Package Type |
Price |
Package of 4 healings |
$480 |
Package of 6 healings |
$720 |
Package of 8 healings |
$960 |
Package of 10 healings |
$1200 |


Pranic healing has completely changed my life. I had been suffering from substance abuse since my late teens and a session with Natalie and it completely removed all of my cravings

Pranic Healing has turned my life around. From alleviating physical symptoms , to feeling strong, happy, courageous and positive. After a long time of sobbing and grieving, Natalie’s healings have made me feel light, open, released and ready to welcome a bright future. I even catch myself laughing out loud to myself now! Natalie is a beautiful, soft and caring angel. I highly recommend that you try pranic healing with her. It’s transformational

Natalie is a gifted experienced healer who has treated me both face to face and remotely for anxiety and related chronic insomnia. After each session I felt relaxed, calm and fell asleep easily. I had tried everything previously from traditional medicines to meditation with no relief. I highly recommend.!

I had 3 energy healing sessions after each I could not wipe the smile off my face. My energy has completely shifted. I’m now open to receiving love, something which I struggled with previously. Natalie’s healing is truly magical. She helped me to let go of blockages I held for two years

“I had been in hospital with pregnancy induced hypertension for a couple of days and not feeling well at all. Natalie healed me, after one healing, I was able to return home. Natalie continued to heal me to ensure that my hypertension normalised, which it did so, within 6 weeks. I highly recommend Natalie Pranic Healing and would happily use her again if ever needed.”

I am so glad to have received healings from Natalie earlier on this year. She is a very skillful healer and a beautiful loving caring person.I was going through a tough time health wise as I was processing many childhood memories. Natalie treated me both on a physical and psychological level and helped me free up past emotions and heal my body.
She has a very gentle caring energy and no matter what the issue is, she always welcomes you with a warm smile and makes you feel comfortable. If you are suffering from any physical or psychological pain, or a stressful situation at home or at work I recommend you to book a healing with Natalie. You’ll come out refreshed, happy, motivated and feeling great.

Today has been very interesting. I’ve done some much needed energetic clearing with my step mom and my dad. It’s been hugely therapeutic. I put it down to our session yesterday. Thank you for allowing me the space to chat with you about that wee issue in my life and the work you did with me. I didn’t even think about it but I’ve taken action today and I feel I’ve cleared an old blockage.

I recently went to see Natalie to work through the feeling of balance and I can’t recommend her enough, I loved it. Natalie made me so comfortable and relaxed it was such a peaceful experience and has opened my eyes to this type of healing.
Thank you so much Natalie and I can’t wait for my next session.

“Meeting Natalie has been such a blessing. After going through some traumatic experiences, Natalie helped me to release and shift my anxious energy. After my first session, I felt so calm, relaxed and back to myself. I was able to think more clearly and all around felt more grounded.
Natalie has such a beautiful, kind energy. I truly believe fate brought us together, forever grateful that we met! Can’t wait for my next session.”

“My first time with Natalie was a wonderful experience, I had the crystal laying experience which I have had many times before, I can tell you Natalie has the magical touch. The energy from Natalie is calming, caring, nurturing, a bright light radiates off Natalie. Afterwards I felt at peace and allows for my light to shine brighter.
Natalie is the real deal, do yourself a real deserving, self-care and love and go and experience her greatness.”
Forgiveness is therapeutic, forgiveness heals the soul
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way
Albert Einstein
Life is like an echo
When you give something, it comes back to you many, many times
Achieve the impossible, Golden Lotus Sutra on Life